Keynote Speaker
Prof. Manish CHHOWALLA
Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy
University of Cambridge
UKInvited Speaker
Prof. Jong Hyun AHN
School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Director, Center for Strain Engineered Electronic Devices
Yonsei University
South KoreaProf. Chih CHEN
Chair Professor
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
TaiwanProf. Yu-Lun CHUEH
Material Science and Engineering
National Tsing Hua University
TaiwanProf. Jinfeng KANG
School of Integrated Circuits
Peking University
ChinaDr. Theresia KNOBLOCH
Institute for Microelectronics
TU Wien
AustriaProf. Min-Hung LEE
Program for Semiconductor Devices,Materials, and Hetero-integration
Graduate School of Advanced Technology
National Taiwan University
TaiwanProf. Max LEMME
Chair of Electronic Devices
Materials Science & Engineering
RWTH Aachen University
GermanyAsso. Prof. Annie NG
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nazarbayev University
KazakhstanProf. Hyeon-Jin SHIN
Department of Semiconductor Engineering
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)
South KoreaProf. Wei-Yen WOON
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC)
TaiwanDr. Kangsub YIM
Samsung Electronics
South KoreaProf. Hongtao YUAN
Professor of Physics
College of Engineering and Applied Sciences
National Laboratory of Solid-State Microstructures & Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures
Nanjing University
China -
Invited Speaker
Dr. Christophe FIGUET
FranceProf. Bin GAO
School of Integrated Circuits
Tsinghua University
ChinaProf. Daewon HA
Process Integration, Master/Head of Lab
Advanced Device Research Lab (ADRL)
Semiconductor R&D Center
Samsung Electronics
South KoreaProf. Sanghun JEON
School of Electrical Engineering
South KoreaDr. Mengwei SI
Department of Electronic Engineering
Shanghai Jiaotong University
ChinaProf. Xiaolei WANG
Institute of Microelectronics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
ChinaDr. QingPeng WANG
Lam Research
China -
Invited Speaker
Prof. Saptarshi DAS
Ackley Professor of Engineering and MRI Fellow
Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM)
Materials Science and Engineering (MATSE)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
Materials Research Institute (MRI)
Pennsylvania State University
USAProf. Xiao GONG
National University of Singapore
SingaporeProf. Asif Islam KHAN
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
USAProf. Sanghyeon KIM
School of Electrical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
South KoreaProf. Yunlong LI
College of Integrated Circuits
Zhejiang University
ChinaProf. Chuan LIU
School of Microelectronics
Sun Yat-Sen University
ChinaProf. Yuan LIU
School of Physics and Electronics
Hunan University
ChinaProf. Chaoliang TAN
Department of Electrical Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
Hong KongProf. Michael WALTL
Institute for Microelectronics
TU Wien
GermanyProf. Heng WU
School of Integrated Circuits
Peking University
China -
Invited Speaker
Prof. Genquan HAN
School of Microelectronics
Xidian University
ChinaProf. Qianqian HUANG
School of Integrated Circuit
Peking University
ChinaProf. Mario LANZA
Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
National University of Singapore
SingaporeProf. Chunsen LIU
Frontier Institute of Chip and System
Fudan University
ChinaProf. Min Hyuk PARK
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
College of Engineering
Seoul National University
South KoreaProf. John Paul STRACHAN
Director, Institute (PGI-14) Neuromorphic Compute Nodes, Forschungszentrum Juelich
Professor, RWTH Aachen University
GermanyProf. Kechao TANG
School of Integrated Circuits
Peking University
ChinaProf. Yoeri van de Burgt
Microsystems Section
TU Eindhoven University of Technology
The NetherlandsProf. Zongwei WANG
School of Integrated Circuits
Peking University
ChinaProf. Yuchao YANG
School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science
Peking University
ChinaProf. Jung Ho YOON
Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
School of Advanced Materials Science & Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
South KoreaProf. Liang ZHAO
College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering
Zhejiang University
China -
Invited Speaker
Prof. Tae-Woo LEE
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Interdisciplinary Program in Bioengineering
Seoul National University
South KoreaProf. Kausik MAJUMDAR
Department of Electrical Communication Engineering
Indian Institute of Science
IndiaAsso. Prof. Dr. P. Susthitha MENON
Chair, Women in Electron Devices Society (WiEDS)
Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics (IMEN)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)(The National University of Malaysia)
MalaysiaProf. Junle QU
College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering
Shenzhen UniversityShenzhen University
ChinaProf. Haiding SUN
iGaN Laboratory
School of Microelectronics
University of Science and Technology of China
ChinaProf. Zhipei SUN
Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering
Aalto University
FinlandProf. Kai WANG
School of Electronics and Information Technology
Sun Yat-Sen University
ChinaProf. Yi XU
Institute of Advanced Photonics Technology
Guangdong University of Technology
ChinaProf. Peng ZHOU
School of Microelectronics
Fudan University
China -
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Tsunenobu KIMOTO
Department of Electronic Science and Engineering,
Kyoto University
JapanProf. Victor VELIADIS
Electrical and Computer Engineering
North Carolina State University
Executive Director & CTO
Power America
USAProf. Yifeng WU
ChinaInvited Speaker
Dr. Luis ANDIA
Mobile Communications Division
Business Development Director
SingaporeDr. Sheng LI
Department: School of Integrated Circuit
Southeast University
ChinaDr. Hongchao LIU
Senior Vice President/Chief Scientist
Anhui YOFC Advanced Semiconductor Co., Ltd (YASC)
ChinaProf. Elison MATIOLI
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Director of the Power and Wide-band-gap Electronics Research Laboratory (POWERlab)
Director of the EPFL epitaxy platform (EPiX)
SwitzerlandProf. Digbijoy N. NATH
Co-founder, AGNIT Semiconductors Pvt. Ltd.
Bengaluru, India
Centre for Nano Science & Engg (CeNSE)
Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
IndiaDr. Zhikai TANG
Senior Member Technical Staff
Texas Instruments
USAProf. Hongyu YU
Dean of School of Microelectronics
Southern University of Science and Technology
ChinaDr. Yun ZHANG
Associate Director
Institute of Semiconductors
Chinese Academy of Sciences
ChinaDr. Daohua ZHANG
Shenzhen Pinghu Laboratory
China -
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Tibor GRASSER
Institute for Microelectronics
TU Wien
AustriaInvited Speaker
Prof. Dr. Hussam AMROUCH
School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT)
Technical University of Munich
GermanyProf. Bing-Yang CAO
School of Aerospace Engineering
Tsinghua University
ChinaProf. Yogesh CHAUHAN
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
IndiaMr. Hyunbo CHO
Alsemy Inc.
South KoreaProf. Christian ENZ
Director, Institute of Microengineering
Head of Laboratory Integrated Circuits Laboratory
SwitzerlandProf. Wladek GRABINSKI
SwitzerlandProf. Sung-Min HONG
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
South KoreaProf. Ling LI
Institute of Microelectronics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
ChinaProf. Xiaoyan LIU
School of Integrated Circuits
Peking University
ChinaProf. Souvik MAHAPATRA
Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology
Electronic and Computer Engineering
University of Waterloo
CanadaDr. Andries J. SCHOLTEN
NXP Semiconductors
The NetherlandsProf. Radu SPOREA
Advanced Technology Institute
University of Surrey
UKMr. Chien-Ting TUNG
University of California, Berkeley
USAProf. Runsheng WANG
Department of Microelectronics
Institute of Microelectronics
Peking University
ChinaProf. Lining ZHANG
School of Electronic and Computer Engineering
Peking University
China -
Invited Speaker
Prof. Alwin DAUS
Institute of Semiconductor Engineering
University of Stuttgart
GermanyProf. Sourav De
College of Semiconductor Research, National Tsing Hua University
Adjunct Assistant Prof. Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, National Taiwan Normal University
TaiwanProf. Suting HAN
Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
Faculty of Science
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong KongProf. Yury ILLARIONOV
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology
ChinaProf. Linfeng SUN
Department of Condensed-Matter Physics
Beijing Institute of Technology
ChinaProf. Marco A. VILLENA
Ramón y Cajal fellow
Department of Electronics and Computer Technology
University of Granada
SpainProf. Stefan WIEFELS
Forschungszentrum Jülich
GermanyProf. Rui YANG
Nanoscale Electronic and Mechanical Devices and Systems Laboratory (NEMS Lab)
Rui Yang Research Group
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
China -
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Martin HH KUBALL
School of Physics
University of Bristol
UKInvited Speaker
Prof. Jaeyong JEONG
School of Electrical Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
South KoreaProf. Xin OU
Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Department of Electronic Systems
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
NorwayProf. Tadatomo SUGA
Collaborative Research Center
Meisei University
JapanProf. Yunda WANG
Smart Manufacturing Thrust
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
ChinaProf. Zhiping XU
Professor of Engineering Mechanics
School of Aerospace Engineering
Tsinghua University, China
China -
Invited Speaker
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
University of Technology Sydney
AustraliaProf. Jens ANDERS
University of Stuttgart
Director of the Institute of Smart Sensors
GermanyProf. Masazumi FUJIWARA
Department of Chemistry
Okayama University
JapanProf. Sanket GOEL
Dean, Research and Innovation (Institute-wide)
BITS Pilani Hyderabad
IndiaProf. Ming HE
Department of Microelectronics
School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science
Peking University
ChinaProf. Tae-il KIM
School of Chemical Engineering
Sungkyunkwan University
South KoreaProf. Jiwon LEE
Department of Semiconductor Engineering
Postech University
South KoreaProf. Yida LI
School of Microelectronics
Southern University of Science and Technology
ChinaProf. Tiefu LI
School of Integrated Circuits
Tsinghua University
ChinaProf. Meiyong LIAO
Chief Researcher
Research Center for Electronic and Optical Materials
National Institute for Materials Science
JapanDr. Chen LIU
Institute of Microelectronics (IME)
Agency for Science
Technology and Research (A*STAR)
SingaporeProf. Yipeng LU
Institute of Microelectronics
Peking University
ChinaProf. Taras PLAKHOTNIK
School of Mathematics and Physics
The University of Queensland
AustraliaProf. Madoka SUZUKI
Laboratory for Physical Biology
Institute for Protein Research
Osaka University
JapanProf. Masaya TODA
Graduate School of Engineering
Tohoku University
JapanProf. David TSAI
Biomedical Engineering and Electrical Engineering
Biomedical Microsystems Lab
The University of New South Wales
AustraliaProf. Nan WANG
School of Microelectronics
Shanghai University
ChinaProf. Lai WANG
Department of Electronic Engineering
Tsinghua University
ChinaProf. Zhenyu WU
State Key Laboratory of Transducer Technology
Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
ChinaProf. Daisuke YAMANE
Department of Mechanical Engineering
College of Science and Engineering
Ritsumeikan University
JapanProf. Sen YANG
Department of Physics
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong KongProf. Shiming ZHANG
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Hong Kong
Hong KongProf. Chengjie ZUO
School of Microelectronics
University of Science and Technology of China
China -
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Tae-Woo LEE
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Interdisciplinary Program in Bioengineering
Seoul National University
South KoreaProf. Xiaoming TAO
DoRI-IWEAR & Chair Professor of Textile Technology
School of Fashion and Textiles
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong KongInvited Speaker
Prof. Wubin BAI
Applied Physical Sciences
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
USAProf. Xiaojun GUO
Department of Electronic Engineering
Shanghai Jiaotong University
ChinaProf. Youfan HU
School of Electronics Engineering
Peking University
ChinaProf. Jinghua LI
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Ohio State University
USAProf. Jianwen ZHAO
Suzhou Institute of Nanotech and Nanobionics
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
ChinaProf. Ni ZHAO
Department of Electronic Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Hong KongDr. Bowen ZHU
Principal Investigator
Department of Electronic and Information Engineering
School of Engineering
Westlake University
China -
Invited Speaker
Prof. Wenzhong BAO
State Key Laboratory of Integrated Chips and Systems
Fudan University
ChinaDr. Cristine Jin ESTRADA
Department of Electronic Engineering
University of Santo Tomas
PhilippinesProf. Cheol-Joo KIM
Chemical Engineering
South KoreaProf. Masaharu KOBAYASHI
Institute of Industrial Science
The University of Tokyo
JapanProf. Yanqing WU
Department of Electronics
Key Laboratory for the Physics and Chemistry of Nanodevices and the Center for Carbon-Based Electronics
Peking University
China -
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Ping-Heng TAN
Institute of Semiconductors
Chinese Academy of Sciences
ChinaInvited Speaker
Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cockrell School of Engineering
University of Texas Austin
USAProf. Shinhyun CHOI
KAIST Endowed Chair Professor
Associate Professor
Emerging Nanoelectronic Technology and Integrated Systems (ENTIS)
Device Division
Affiliation 1: School of Electrical Engineering
Affiliation 2: Department of Semiconductor System Engineering
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)
South KoreaProf. Peng LIN
College of Computer Science and Technology
Zhejiang University
ChinaProf. Junwei LUO
Institute of Semiconductors
Chinese Academy of Science
ChinaProf. Qiming SHAO
Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Hong KongProf. Luping SHI
Center for Brain-Inspired Computing Research
Department of Precision Instrument
Tsinghua University
ChinaProf. Hongwei TAN
Group Leader at Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research
GermanyProf. Kai XIAO
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
ChinaProf. Wentao XU
Institute of Photo Electronic Thin Film Devices and Technology
Nankai University