
Dr. A. Bartasyte is a Full Professor at FEMTO-ST Institute, University of Franche-Comté (UFC) since 2019, Junior Chair for Innovation at the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) since 2022, and associated researcher at C2N, University of Paris-Saclay since 2024. Previously, she was an Associate Professor at IJL, University of Lorraine, and held the Chair of Excellence at Labex ACTION (FEMTO-ST/UFC). She earned her PhD at LMGP, Grenoble INP (2008, Best PhD Thesis award), conducted postdoctoral research at Oxford University on LN-LT single crystal growth and treatment, and completed a sabbatical at Harvard University focusing on thin films for photonic applications. Dr. Bartasyte has over 20 years of expertise in the deposition of epitaxial multifunctional oxides and heterostructures (superconductors, mixed conductors, high-k dielectrics, ferroelectrics) using liquid injection MOCVD and RF sputtering. Her current research focuses on Li(K)Nb(Ta)O₃ thin films and single crystals for acoustic, energy harvesting, and photonic applications. She has delivered 40 invited presentations & 11 seminars, co-authored 90 scientific articles and 7 patents, and coordinated French national projects, European MSCA ITN-ENHANCE &  DN HINA networks, and industrial collaborations with TDK-EPCOS, Annealsys, Exail, and WIKA. Currently supervising 5 PhD students (14 defended) and is a member of IUF office and its scientific & strategic committee, and a Coordinator of EuroNanolab network training activities.  She previously served as Deputy Director FEMTO-ST and Vice President of a French national project selection committee and organized 9 national/European Schools.  She is member of committees in the CMDO+ network, the French IEEE TUFFC Chapter, and technical committees for conferences (IUS (Group 4), MCARE, CIMTEC, and JNTE, among others).